
Shot by Draven Redgrave


Feature Supported
Vanilla Photo Mode Yes
Hotsampling Yes
Custom Aspect Ratios Yes
Reshade Yes
Ansel No
Graphics API DirectX 9


  • CE table by Jim2Point0
    Features: HUD toggle, photomode range unlocker, photomode fov limit unlocker, photomode camera control.


You need to have the 1.2 version of the game, otherwise the cheat table might not work. To test if the cheat table is working correctly try turning off the HUD in the menu. If it disappears then you will be alright, if it doesn't then you will need to update the game (link inside the pc gaming wiki page of the game).

To start shooting first pause the game, open the photomode, move the camera whenever you want. When you get to a limit and you want to keep going, unlock the range in the cheat table and position the camera whenever you want. If you need to go higher than the photomode limits then turn on the manual cam overwrite and position your camera whenever you want. Once that's done select the options you want on the photomode menu (like tint or shutter speed), turn off the HUD and take the shot.


Description Key
Toggle HUD F1
Toggle manual cam overwrite F2
Move in the Y coordinates (with manual cam overwrite) Numpad 2/8
Move in the X coordinates (with manual cam overwrite) Numpad 4/6
Move in the Z coordinates (with manual cam overwrite) Numpad 3/9
Unlock photomode FOV limit F3
Unlock photomode range (except height) F5