Shot by cHota gAbbar


Feature Supported
Vanilla Photo Mode No
Hotsampling Yes (with SRWE)
DSR Yes (through Desktop)
Custom Aspect Ratios No
Reshade Yes
Ansel No
Graphics API DirectX 11


  • Cheat Engine Table by ghostinthecamera
    This tool is used to pause the game. The default keybinds are Numeric 0 to pause and Numeric . to play. You can also assign other keybinds to set the game speed to some intermediate values between 0 and 1 to get slow motion. To learn more, refer to this Cheat Engine Table guide.

  • Free Camera by abarichello
    This tool unlocks the camera. Download the Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the Releases tab, and place it inside (Gris Installation Directory)/GRIS_Data/Managed to overwrite the existing file. You can backup the original one or verify the game's integrity if you want it back.


The in-game resolution settings caps out at your desktop resolution. If you want to play at higher resolutions (like 4K), set your desktop resolution to the corresponding value; only then the in-game settings show the higher resolutions.

The game needs to be run in windowed mode for SRWE to hotsample properly.