Risen 3

Shot by Eggo


Feature Supported
Vanilla Photo Mode No
Hotsampling No
Custom Resolutions Yes (with tweaking)
Custom Aspect Ratios Yes (with tweaking)
Reshade Yes (DX9)
Ansel No
Graphics API DirectX 9



Key Command
PgUp / PgDown Toggle Debug mode on / off

Debug mode must be enabled for the following controls to work:

Key Command
Ctrl + H Toggle HUD
F2 Toggle fullscreen / windowed
Ctrl + F2 Change to next defined resolution
Ctrl + Insert Toggle freefly camera
Ctrl + Home Toggle fixed camera
W / S / A / D Move camera
Space / C Move camera up / down
Hold Ctrl Speed up camera
Ctrl + PgUp Move player to camera
Pause Freeze game
F6 / F8 Toggle slowmo / speedup
Ctrl + K Beam player forward
Alt + T Toggle autowalk

See: remapping and deleting debug controls

Full list of controls

Key Command
F1 Take Snapshot
F2 Toggle Fullscreen / Windowed
F3 Toggle Render Mode
F4 Cycle Indicators
F6 Toggle Slowmo
F7 Reset Player
F8 Toggle Speed Up
F11 Toggle Control Enabled
F12 Quit Application
Alt + A Camera Flight Add
Alt + C Camera Flight Pose Forward
Alt + D Toggle Audio Emitter
Alt + E End Cutscene
Alt + H Toggle Statistics
Alt + I Toggle Shadow Map Occlusion
Alt + K Action Kill
Alt + L Toggle Morpheme LiveLink
Alt + M Toggle Movement Debug
Alt + O Toggle Occlusion Culling
Alt + P Toggle Render Portal
Alt + Q Camera Flight Start
Alt + R Camera Flight PoseRendering
Alt + S Say SVM
Alt + T Toggle Autowalk
Alt + V Camera Flight PoseEnd
Alt + W Camera Flight Stop
Alt + X Camera Flight PoseBack
Alt + Y Camera Flight PoseStart
Ctrl + 1 Toggle Physics Opaque
Ctrl + 2 Toggle Physics Wireframe
Ctrl + 3 Toggle Physics Materials
Ctrl + 4 Toggle Physics Shapes
Ctrl + 5 Toggle Physics Meshes
Ctrl + 6 Toggle Physics Controllers
Ctrl + 7 Toggle Physics SpeedTrees
Ctrl + AE Toggle Skinned Mesh LoD
Ctrl + B Toggle Bounding Boxes
Ctrl + E Toggle Entity Infos
Ctrl + F Control Focus Entity
Ctrl + F2 Change to Next Resolution & Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F8 Reset With Lift
Ctrl + G Toggle State Graph Infos
Ctrl + H Toggle HUD
Ctrl + HOM Toggle Fixed Cam
Ctrl + INS Toggle Free Fly Cam
Ctrl + K Beam Forward
Ctrl + L Toggle Levitate
Ctrl + M Toggle Screen Messages
Ctrl + N Toggle Navigation
Ctrl + NUM_7 Toggle Speed Tree Debug
Ctrl + NUM_9 Animation Toggle Transform Calculation
Ctrl + O Toggle CBuffer Debug
Ctrl + OE Toggle Cloth
Ctrl + P Connect PhysX Debugger
Ctrl + PG_UP Move Player To Camera
Ctrl + Q Toggle Physics Render Debug
Ctrl + T Toggle Speed Tree
Ctrl + U Toggle Uneven Terrain
Ctrl + UE Animation Skeleton
Ctrl + V Toggle Vegetation
Ctrl + X Action Down
LSHF + Q Toggle Physics Native Debug
LSHF + R Toggle Force Relaxed Processing
NUM_1 Toggle Melee Counter Parade On Attack
NUM_2 Toggle Melee Counter Parade On Parade
NUM_3 Toggle Melee Counter Attack
NUM_4 Toggle Shaky Cam
PAUSE Freeze game
RALT + F12 Do Null Pointer Access
RCtrl + D Toggle Drag Points Debug
RCtrl + F Toggle FloatsDebug
RCtrl + P Toggle DepthProbesDebug
RCtrl + T Toggle PathDebug
RShift + Q Toggle Physics NativeIgnoreZ


Tips and Tricks

Defining custom resolutions

It is possible to define custom resolutions by editing <path to game>\Risen 3\data\ini\ConfigDefault.xml and searching for Resolutions. It is advised to include your native resolution. In the example below you can see native 16:9 and 16:9 at 15 MP resolutions being used.

      <Resolutions Test2="1920x1080xWindow" Test1="5162x2904xWindow">

Pressing Ctrl + F2 while debug mode is enabled will cycle to the next resolution, in this instance - back and forth. Custom aspect ratios are supported.


In some instances you will be required to use SRWE after swapping to a higher resolution because the game's window may appear stretched too far in one direction. Do note that capturing a stretched window with ReShade or Afterburner will output a perfectly viewable image with the correct resolution and aspect ratio.

Remapping debug controls

Debug controls can be remapped or deleted by editing <path to game>\Risen 3\data\ini\ConfigDefault.xml and searching for DebugKeys.


Visual enhancement mods may overwrite ConfigDefault.xml so save your own tweaks for the last.

Start the game in windowed mode

Navigate to %localappdata%\risen3\config\ConfigUser.xml and edit FullScreen="True" to FullScreen="False".